Updates and Announcements

Garden Interest Group

From Carol Trutt and Rosemary Hartmann

We are looking forward to getting outside among the flowers and vegetables! Below

are the names and dates of the garden tours so you can add to your calendar. All tours are on Wednesdays except the Roanoke Garden Tour. You will receive more

information as we get closer to each garden.

• May 3 (This tour is on SATURDAY.) Roanoke Historic Garden Tour Roanoke -Garden Club of Virginia

• June 11: Ellen Hall Garden

• July, 9: Becky Riley Garden

• August 13: The Knowlton Garden

• September 10: Woodthrush Native Garden Nursery Wood Thrush Native Nursery

• Friends of the Library Garden Tour will be held on Saturday, July 12th.

Two other dates to remember:• The NRV Master Gardener Association plant sale will be held on Saturday, May

10 (day before Mother's Day).

As always, Rosemary will have some nice places for us to lunch after the tours. (I would love to go to the Green Goat again this year, but it depends where all the

gardens are located.)

If you have any questions, please contact Carol.


From Lisa Heckert, Connie Cummings, and Rosemary Hartmann

This group meets each month. Contact Lisa for details. lisaheckert@icloud.com


From Uma Shastri and Deanie Heath

The yoga class meets at Church on Main on Mondays at 5:00. Each session is one hour.

We do these poses and more. Participants may choose floor or chair.

Contact Uma at uma.yogajourney@gmail.com for details if you want to join.


From Beth Ifju

VTWC Canasta will meet on the 3rd Thursday, March 20 at Warm Hearth Village Center

10:30-12:30 . Some of us stay after for lunch in the café, but this is optional. We are a friendly group made up of a variety of levels of players. All are welcome.

Email Beth Ifju at bethifju@gmail.com.

Book Club

From Carol Trutt and Suzanne Reisinger

The next meeting is Wednesday, March 19, at 2 PM at Northside Presbyterian Church.

We'll discuss Alice McDermott's Someone.

Friday Forum

April 4

Luther Memorial Lutheran Church

10:00 AM

Dr. Richard Masters and students will present “Musical Delights by Talented VT Students.” This performance is always a favorite forum and an opportunity to enjoy the

incredibly talented Hokies.

Be Part of the April 22, 2025 Spring Luncheon!

Enjoy the Spring Luncheon

Social Time, Program, Buffet, Raffle, and Auction

• Our focus for this luncheon will be a celebration of our scholarship winners. We will also be voting on the slate of new officers and a change to the Constitution and By-


• Location: Warm Hearth Village, Blacksburg, VA

• Social time for conversation and mingling is 11:30 AM-12:00 Noon. Program begins promptly at 12:00 Noon. Please be in your seat and ready to begin.

Following the opening activities, the buffet will begin. The luncheon will end around 1:30 PM.• Support the Silent Auction and Raffle Sales at the Spring Luncheon Bring your checkbook and cash so that you may join in the silent auction and raffle. All proceeds go to support the VTWC Scholarship Fund.

Support our Service Project at the Spring Luncheon See the information below.

Our Program and Luncheon Chairs, Betsy Risen and Carol Marton, thank all our members for

their support of the Winter Luncheon and for honoring the guidelines for this new venue. By

attending to the registration deadline and the program start time, the event ran smoothly and

allowed for the social time prior to the beginning of the program.

Support Our Upcoming Service Projects

On April 7, from 1:00-3:00, at Church on Main, VTWC members will be packing dry meals for the senior citizens who need an emergency food source.

The service group will be putting out a request for donations for the ingredients that will be used.

Contact Carol Trutt for details.


VTWC Service will be sponsoring the Women's Center at Virginia Tech at our Spring

Luncheon. We will focus on their “Kids Night Out” (ages 2-10) which enables mothers to

have a night to themselves. Any donations will be collected at the VTWC event.Suggested items include:

• Board games

• Card games

• DVD's

• Craft supplies such as coloring books, crayons, Play Dough, popsicle sticks, and glue.

Lori was thrilled by VTWC’s generosity and support of the Bucket Brigade, a collection for the Recovery

Court Program.

From the Board

The VTWC Board established a new recognition designation: Member Emeritus. The first

two members to receive this designation are charter members Margaret Cates and

Frances Frederick. The Board wishes to extend a special thank you to these women who

helped create our organization and who have been members for 60 years!

The Board will be sending members a proposed change to our Constitution and Bylaws.

We will vote on this change at our Spring Luncheon, along with our slate of officers.

From the Sunshine Committee

The Sunshine Committee sends cards for important moments in our members' lives.

Please send a quick note to Phyllis at eschp@vt.edu or Mel at hokies83@vt.edu if you

know of a member who needs a card. They will ensure that an appropriate card is sent on

behalf of our group. Thank you for helping us keep in touch and show our support to other


Updates to the Directory

Check your email to find the updates to the directory which were in the online edition of the March Updates and Announcements.

Share Your Photos

Please have someone in your group take quality pictures of your activities. Group shots

are fine, but take some “action” photos, too. Post these pictures on our Facebook page

and tell members what your group is doing. Tawana, our historian, can use these pictures

for the annual history book that she creates.

Ride Sharing

If you are interested in ride sharing for VTWC events, email VTWC65@gmail.com or text

Deanie at 252-943-7454. We will make every effort to connect you with a match.

Lori was thrilled by VTWC’s generosity and support of the Bucket Brigade, a collection for the Recovery Court Program.