
In case you haven’t seen it!

Check out the recent article in News Messenger!

From Membership: Time for Membership Renewal

Please renew your membership using our website. You may use the downloadable membership form which can be mailed in along with the $25 fee, or you may complete your renewal form online and use PayPal.

While we welcome guest participation in VTWC-sponsored activities, regular participants are expected to join.

From Travel and Tours

Contact Joy Herbert at Blacksburg Recreation Center, phone 540-443-1142, to sign up.

You may sign up for all three trips at the same time, or sign up two weeks in advance of any trip.

Travel and Tours Events for Fall 2024

  • Wednesday, October 23, 2024: A Tour of Monticello and Lunch at Michie Tavern

  • Thursday, November 7, 2024: Wine Tasting and Lunch at SheltonVineyards

  • Friday, December 13, 2024: Holiday Tea at the Palisades

Check Travel and Tours page for details.

From the Interest Groups

In 2023-2024, VTWC had 228 members, and 190 members participated in at least one interest group which represents 83% participation, up from 74% the previous year.

As we transition from the 2023-2024 year to the 2024-2025 year, participants are reminded to complete their membership renewal.

Check the Interest Groups page for chairs and contact options.

From Bunko: Connie

The first Bunco meeting September 26. Contact Connie Cummings for details and to be included in the group.


Projects planned for this year:

  • Monthly Conversations Program with the Y to support the language-learning needs of our international women

  • Dry Meal Packaging

  • Chapter Book Collection to provide books for the Falling Branch reading program

  • Cheesy Nights, winter and spring

Contact Carol Trutt to volunteer to be part of these and other important service projects.

These supplies were collected at the Spring Luncheon for the women’s Resource Center.

Thanks to the many donations, students are allowed to get two books to take home for summer reading.

Tyler Hughes, a multi-talented musician, will discuss the importance of Appalachian music to Southwest Virginia. He will play some regional music for attendees. In addition to his contributions to the Crooked Road, he is a town council member in Big Stone Gap.

Luncheons 2024-25

The Luncheons and Programs Chairs have the following information for you. Three luncheons will bring us together for our business meetings and interesting programs.

  • Tuesday, October 29, 2024

    • Tyler Hughes, Executive Director of The Crooked Road

    • Blacksburg Country Club

  • Tuesday, February 18, 2025

    • Speaker TBD   

    • Warm Hearth Village, Blacksburg, VA

  • Tuesday, April 22, 2025

    • Honoring the VTWC Scholarship Recipients

    • Warm Hearth Village, Blacksburg, VA

Deb Call celebrates her silent auction win.

Message from the VTWC Sunshine Committee from Melvina and Phyllis

The Sunshine Committee reaches out to members with a phone call or card to encourage them during difficult times and to let them know VTWC cares. Please let Mel or Phyllis know if a member needs an encouraging contact.

Be part of VTWC history

A Peek into Our History and Strength for Our Future

Dr. T. Marshall Hahn and his wife Peggy were the youngest couple to serve as president and first lady of Virginia Tech. Their name and legacy grace four buildings at VT: Hahn Hall-South Wing, Hahn Hall-North Wing, the Hahn Hurst Basketball Practice Center, and the Peggy Lee Hahn Garden Pavilion and Horticulture Garden.

Mrs. Hahn has one more legacy to add to this list. The Women’s Club was conceived at a bridge game where Mrs. William W. Brandt, Mrs. G. C. Graf, and Mrs. Marshall Hahn began to sketch out a plan for a social group to encourage women at the university to have fellowship. Mrs. Hahn and ten other women formed a committee, and here we are today.

As the president’s wife, Mrs. Hahn served as the first honorary president, a tradition that continues today.

In 1965, our parent organization, VPI Faculty Women’s Club, had 350 members. By 1967, membership had grown to 416. In 1971, the name became Virginia Tech Faculty Women’s Club. In 2017, the Club name was changed for the third time to Virginia Tech Women’s Club and opened membership to all women who support the expanded purpose of VTWC—sharing opportunities for intellectual growth, friendship, social activities, and service.

VTWC supports one of the largest scholarship programs managed by the Community Foundation of the New River Valley.

Current members Margaret Kates and Frances Frederick were charter members in 1965. We extend appreciation to the women leaders and visionaries who came before us and commit ourselves to achieving the purpose of this important community organization.

Each of us can help by sharing information with other women who could benefit from what our Club provides and who have talents they may contribute. We need board members, interest group chairs, service volunteers, and women who wish to join together for travel, interest groups, and forums.

Our goal is to return to 350 members strong. If you have renewed your membership, thank you. If you have not renewed your membership, please do so by visiting our website.

See what we do—

discover who we are.

Virginia Tech Women’s Club

We strive to expand the intellectual and social horizons of membership, provide scholarships to women at Virginia Tech, engage in service, and support the missions of Virginia Tech.

Membership is open to all women who support the stated purpose of VTWc and who embrace our core values of friendship, education, scholarship, and service.

Check us out.