Ways and Means oversees the fundraising

for our scholarship program

Our mission has included raising scholarship funds for Virginia Tech’s students who are women since 1973. Funding for the scholarships comes from the generosity of the VTWC members.

Awards are based on academic excellence, service to the community, and financial need. As of April 2022, VTWC has awarded $212,000 to 147 deserving women at Virginia Tech.



The Hillcrest Society - Up to $99
1st Women’s Residence Hall, 1940

The Tin Horn Society - $100 to $199
Women Published Their Own Yearbook, 1925

The Turkey Hen Society - $200 to $299
1st Women’s Basketball Team, 1921

The 1921 Graduates Society - $300 to $399
1st Year Women Attended Classes

The 1925 Graduates Society - $400 to $499
1st Year a Woman Earned a Master’s Degree

The Founders Society - $500+
Founding Year of the VTWC, 1965


Donations made directly to the Community Foundation are tax deductible.

Donate online by following the link below, or mail a check to Community Foundation.

Virginia Tech Women’s Club should be designated on the memo line or in the online donation.

Community Foundation of the New River Valley
P.O. Box 6009
Christiansburg, VA 24068-6009